Breeding English Cockerspaniels 1972 - 2008

    Breeding Dachshund Zwerg Rauhhaar 1992 - 2008   
    Breeding Flat Coated Retrievers 2003 - 2008   

English Cockers

In 1970, when the appeal of hounds and fox terriers faded away, in the heart of Moravian Walachia between Radhošť and Soláň, after long debates between father and son, new love developed, namely love for cockers.
Our first cocker was a golden bitch Ditta Ovčírna  (Belis z Malé Kamenné x Jacky z Oharské Planiny). Gifted for hunting, of nice exterior, she did not influence our breeding very much.
Real foundations of the kennel were laid by a black bitch Olivie z Malé Kamenné (Xandrina Caterra x Jacky z Oharské Planiny), the so-called Pussy. A beautiful bitch, Youth Class Winner at the International Dog Show in Brno in 1975! We were enthusiastic about fulfilling the ideal of healthy little cocker of balanced character, perfect temper connected with passion for hunting. We systematically developed her talent for work, confirmed by the results of trials and in hunting practice, which brought us many beautiful hunting experiences of the entire area of the Beskydy. Woodcock-hunting from hides, rabbit-hunting, water works or complex additional tracking of hoofed game in cockers' company always leave unrepeatable experiences and memories.
It is only natural that the time came for improving the exterior and character if this wonderful breed. On the healthy working base there gradually grew the exterior superstructure. All that was more or less successfully being connected into good breeding material, without suppressing excellent talents, also due to quality imports of bloodlines. We had a pleasant time which may be experienced by father and son when they are connected by common hobby and create good background. My sons emphasized the meaning of the "dog" events by which the entire family has been living intensely until today.
Olivie with an all-round dog, son of imports, Fero Fiobe (Eldwythe Eastwick x Maidy Happycourt) gave us an outstanding work bitch of excellent exterior Rosmery Dorris. We mated Dorris with Illo Hickeldeyn (Notluon Bacchus x Hinckeldeyns Gina) imported from the Federal Republic of Germany that had in his veins the blood of the English Misbournes (Valdiklér of Misbourne). We repeated the above mating several times and kept for breeding Rosmery Felicie, a golden bitch of exquisite modern type and character with excellent loudness. In the effort to include in our breeding an outstanding dog ICH Uscho v.d. Birke from FRG and an elegant bitch Paline v. Snepfenstrich, we mated Felicie with their son Nobi z Malé Kamenné.
Therefore, in 1985 there was born our probably most hard-working dog Hilmen Rosmery, who influenced breeding of work cockers in the whole country. At the age of seven months he gained I prize at the Fall Trial and at the age of 18 months he gained I prize and r. CACIT at the All-Round Trial, Milena Štěrbová Cup at Choltice. His big hunter's heart stopped beating at the age of fifteen, when he was in excellent physical and psychological condition, engaged in incessant activities. At the age of almost thirteen he sired three siblings with the bitch Porfirius Scheila, daughter of Aro's Golden Arrow, Erson, Egon and Eylin Rosmery, who succeeded in passing All-Round Club Trial and represented cockers at the Milena Štěrbová Cup in 2000. All of them are kept for breeding. An excellent mother Felicie gave us, also having been mated with ICH Lot z Malé Kamenné, a black and tan little bitch Ketrin Rosmery, an excellent successor of the bloodline. This bitch gained the title Champion of the Czech Republic and I prize at Blood Trial, Forest Trial and Fall Trial. She gave us quality puppies also with Aro's B. Power and Wigo v. Rosengrund. She was a dog lady, rather moody and self-confident. She was also mated with CH Tripol's I'MA Smart Cooky and with Ch Pennylane Quai d'Orsay, who gave her a breeding bitch Cindy Rosmery, who, although she gained the titles CAC and Youth Class Winner, has not won recognition in our kennel. It also happens, but the main thing is that we liked her very much.
Judita Rosmery, younger sister of Felicie, better at work, became a candidate for CH CZ and passed all trials with all fours, in each instance as a winner. She was so passionate that she even tried den-hunting! In 1988 she gained I prize at Milena Štěrbová Cup and became the Best Work Cocker for 1988.
Judita, mated with CH Aro's Golden Double, gave birth to a robust work bitch Ornela Rosmery that has left quality litter, in particular in connection with the dog Aro´s Black Butler.
At the beginning of the 90's my father, model breeder and friend to whom I owe everything, left us for ever. I continued to fulfill systematically my and his ideas of building a new, modern breeding complex, including covered pens and free ranges. Thanks to the attitude and enthusiasm of the whole family we managed everything and, despite some forecasts, continue with our breeding work. The already mentioned black and tan Ketrin was mated in Hungary with a sable dog Quickstep v. Heidebusch and from this attractive connection we kept a little bitch Feli Rosmery, our darling of sable color. She, having been mated with Aro's Black Butler, gave birth within her first litter to Peggy Rosmery of dark sable color, who is of extraordinary strong frame and distinct type. She is an excellent breeding bitch. Our breeding base had been considerably expanded by an influx of quality imports. Two black bitches from Hungary settled down in our country very quickly. It was an unforgettable Kuruclesi Black Judi, who is very elegant and of almost unmanageable temper and optimism. Her pedigree contains such individuals as Northworth Product of Play, a golden dog from Finland - world Youth Class Winner, a European legend and multi champ. Lochranza Certein Style Mark from England and a top-quality dog of Polish origin Drab z Zielonej Czantorii. Judi became Champion, passed Talent Trial, gained the titles CACIB 2x, Club Winner, etc. She is a pleasant creature that gives distinct litter and joy. Her excellent show abilities and character have been fully inherited by her breeding son reared at home Fidor Rosmery. His sire is another imported dog – a Hungarian of purely English origin from the Charbonnel Kennel – Bozótligeti Jumpin' Jack (Charbonnel Bombardiér x Charbonnel Funn Games). Fidor inherited the temper and character of his mother. With Peggy Rosmery he gave us a nice golden bitch of excellent character and talent with good prospects, of our type – Fantha Giro Rosmery. Another "Hungarian" Porfirius Scheila is the descendant of the above mentioned Lochranza Certein Style Mark and daughter of our ICH Aro's Golden Arrow. She is the mother of the above mentioned Cup trio and, among others, also of Anndy Rosmery, Cacib black and tan bitch. Another "import" was a bitch Avora Arnell from Slovakia, the daughter of a Club Winner Zera Rosmery and Aro's Golden Arrow. She had nice puppies with A.B. Butler and Bozótligeti Jumpin' Jack.
At the beginning of the 90's we imported quality dogs from Mr. Rodenbusch from FRG whom I respect very much and thank for his experience and help to all Czech breeders of the English cockers. His kennel Aro's manifestly improved the quality level of our breeding, thought and professional approach!!!
ICH European Winner Aro's Golden Arrow  -our Alfi, professor and leader of the whole pack, who enjoys the highest family respect, is at the age of thirteen of good health and contentment. Despite some statements I declare that this dog has considerably influenced breeding in our country and the surrounding states. He is part of the pedigrees of 25% breeding dogs in the Czech Republic. He also won considerable recognition at the shows all over Europe since 1992 when he gained the title of the European Winner, until 1996 when he became Champions' Class Winner at the world show in Vienna. He was best appreciated by the English judges thanks to his type, frame, feathering and noble presentation. He is also an outstanding worker. In 1996 he became winner of all-round trials and the Best English Cocker at Milena Štěrbová Cup at Kutná Hora. He became the Cocker of the Year, both in exterior and at work! He is so far my life dog in all respects!  
ICH Aros Golden Arrow - my life dog in all respects! Alfi’s big heart stopped beating in September 2004 at the age of nearly 15.
His great grand-daughter ICH Ch CZ, CACIB 6x, Club Winner and Specialty Winner Gia-Rosmery z Lesních Chalup (Quttadene Once More x Vianka z Lesních chalup) is being bred at home. She carries out the origin of the kennel Quettadene, Asguanne, the granddaughter of Rosmery Milky Way. We mated Gia with Alfi /Aro's Golden Arrow/ – her great grandfather and succeeded. Another golden bitch – Inna Rosmery stayed at home. At her young age she is of strong, quadratic frame, excellent feathering and uncontrolled temper. She is of excellent origin for continuation of the bloodline Alfika. Her type, character and talent give us a good feeling of the prospects of our breeding purpose. So far she has gained the titles Junior Champion and CACIB.
Aro's Black Butler, a black dog, is a more fragile descendant of Crankwoods Charmer, Canigou Mr. Happy, Aro's Black Boots, Bobbinrae's Sollitaire of Corbow. His genes are carried by the bloodline of the descendants of the sable bitch Peggy Rosmery.
Aro's Salute, a blue white dog, descendant of the famous Aro's Blue Arrow, Aro's Blue Admirál, a dog of a beautiful head, strong frame and attractive feathering. He is wonderful, bud does not recognize the atmosphere of shows, does not like to be shown, we like him very much and call him Kozlík (Male Kid). Bozótligeti Jumpin' Jack, a black dog, compact, of lower-quality coat, stubborn but calm as a true Englishman, which is the origin of all his ancestors, namely such kennels as Charbonnel, Helenwood.... Jack is the sire of Fidor Rosmery, BOB, National Winner, CAC 5x, Talent Trial, Blood Trial, who inherited his temper and character from his mother Kuruclesi Black Judi. He is compact, balanced, of more delicate head and rich golden feathering, excellent at shows. His genes have also shown in Fidor's daugther Fanta Ghiro Rosemery, who passed the Talent Trial and won the titles Junior Champion CZ, Ch CZ, CACIB, CAC, CAJC, it is a compact bitch, well balanced, of a beautiful head, lively movements, cheerful character. This year, she gave birth to the black and tan dog Simon Rosmery. Time will show what will grow of him. The youngest breeding dog was Cliff Rosmery,  with distinct black stripes, after versatile Erson Rosmery and Peggy Rosmery. He is of strong frame, compact, balanced, of ideal height. He has excellent character and talent. So far he has gained the titles Youth Class Winner, Junior Champion CZ, CACIB 2x, Best of Breed in Brno 2002. It is a Rosmery according to my taste- 5 generations on his sire's side and 6 generations on his mother's side. In short, 30 years of effort, joy and renunciation. Unfortunately Cliff died tragically at the turn of the year during a hunt for wild boars. Such is life of a breeder. We shall never forget Cliffy.
Life goes on and we do not give up, the black and tan Simon (Fanta Rosmery x Erson Rosmery) has almost the same Rosmery pedigree as Cliff. Including his character and talent. The selection has been successful again! Simon grew into a strong thick-set and mature male of excellent character. At the age of 2 he gained the title Junior Champion CZ. Rosmery Simon has gained the title JCh at the age of two, the title Ch ČR at the age of three and successfully passed the Dispositions Trials.
Zekon Rosmery is the youngest dog of the pack. It is a golden dog, son of ICH Chairman Petrs and Sophia Cora Rosmery (her sire is Aros Golden Arrow). Here we tried to strengthen Aros bloodline. By his tÿpe, Zekon fits in the pack, thanks to his thick-set strong skeleton and ideal height. He is of excellent character and temper! At his first show – at the Club Show at České Budělovice – he gained the title CAJC. Rosmery Zekon gained the title JCh and Ch ČR at the age of two. He made successful use of his excellent hunting gifts at the Club Talents Trial and Fall Trial. But so far he has by far not exhausted his possibilities.
Indeed, even after 30 years we throw ourselves with joy into another adventure of the eighth generation of Rosmeries and third generation of their masters. Regardless of the results, nobody can take from us the pleasure and joy of the years spent together with our pack of dogs!!!
The pack was completed in 1992 by my wife's and grandmother's favorites rough-coated dwarf dachshunds that also rank among the best in the country with their work abilities and exteriors.

My sons have grown into chaps who seek independence and self-assertion not only in life, but also in cynology. The younger Radim fell in love in Flat Coated Retrievers already in his youth. In 2003 he received a Flat Coated Retriever bitch Oria z Vlčí stepi as a gift for his eighteens birthday, whom he named Jessy. The reasons were not only the beauty, but also the nobility of this English breed, which has found its place in the exercise of the hunting right in our mountain conditions. Jessy has fulfilled our expectations, she is manageable, searches out minor dead game and still living game and has also proved her ability in driving vermin. Her greatest success was searching out a dog-fox weighing 9.8 kg.

I will not describe the achievements of the Rosmery Kennel, our victories at trials and shows, since the long list might cause negative response and that is not really our point! Only for completeness' sake, we set forth an overall overview.
Thanks to our dogs we have many true friends all over the country and Europe.
To the third millennium I wish all friends and fans of the Rosmery Kennel joy, success, contentment and many nice experiences with the pack of cockers and dachshunds at their feet.
At Hutisko Solanec, in 2006                                 Yours sincerely,
                                                                         Miloš Kašpar and family

Overview: COCKERS

Name DKK Breeding Book Date of birth    Shows Trials
Ditta  Ovčírna   79894 12.03.1971 Excellent 2x Talent Trial, Fall Trial – I prize
Olivia z Malé Kamenné   10916 09.06.1974 Excellent, Youth Class Winner at an International Dog Show Talent Trial, Forest Trial – I prize
Dorris Rosmery   13479 01.05.1978 Excellent Fall Trial, Forest Trial – I prize
Felicie Rosmery   16319 15.12.1982 Excellent 3x, International Dog Show Fall Trial, Blood Trial, Forest Trial - I prize
Hilmen Rosmery   17601 01.03.1985 Excellent 2x Fall Trial, Forest Trial, All-Round Trial, Milena Štěrbová Cup – r. CACIT – I prize
Judita Rosmery   18184 01.04.1986 Excellent 12x, Derby Winner, CAC, Youth Class Winner, CAC – Hungary Fall Trial, Blood Trial, Forest Trial, All-Round Trial, Milena Štěrbová Cup – Best Cocker, I prize
Ketrin Rosmery   18899 11.05.1987 Excellent 15x, Derby Winner, CAC, Youth Class Winner, Champion, r. CACIB, Winner of the Slovak Republic Fall Trial, Blood Trial, Forest Trial – I prize
Ornela Rosmery   20006 01.04.1989 Excellent 6x, International Dog Show Fall Trial – I prize
Aro´s Golden Arrow - A l f i   20967 15.07.1990 Excellent 50 x, ICH, Champion, Europa sgr., Club Winner Cz, Sk, A,H, BOB, BIG, BIS, CACIB, National Winner... Fall Trial, Blood Trial, All-Round Trial - I prize -Club Winner All-Round Trial,  Milena Štěrbová Cup 96 – Best Cocker
Aro´s Salute   22482 12.04.1992 Excellent 10x, Youth Class Winner Blood Trial
Cindy Rosmery   22005 21.04.1992 Excellent 3x, CAC, Youth Class Winner  
Avora Arnell 0/0 22908 15.12.1992 Excellent  3x, CAC, r. CAC, Youth Class Winner Talent Trial – I prize
Kuruclesi Black Judi 0/0 23127 10.03.1993 Excellent 12x, Club Winner, CACIB 2x, r. CACIB, CAC, CACA, Youth Class Winner, Champion CZ Talent Trial – I prize
Feli Rosmery 0/0 23118 25.05.1993 Derby Winner, Youth Class Winner 3x, CAC, Best Young Bitch at the International Dog Show Brno 94 Talent Trial – I prize
Aro´s Black Butler 0/0 23348 22.03.1993 Excellent 5x, Youth Class Winner, Club Winner - Young Dog, CAC  
Bozótligeti Jumpin´ Jack 0/0 24169 21.10.1993 Excellent, r. CAC, Regional Winner  
Porfirius Sheila 0/0 24225 01.06.1994 Excellent 5x, Primus Junior, Youth Class Winner Talent Trial – I prize
Peggy Rosmery 0/0 25281 27.06.1995 Excellent 10x, Derby Winner, JunCh CZ Talent Trial – I prize
Anndy Rosmery 0/0 26368 05.06.1996 Excellent 4x, CAC, CACIB  
Fidor  Rosmery 0/0 27158 15.04.1997 Excellent 12x, CAC 5x, r. CAC, CAJC CZ, SK, National Winner, BOB 2x Talent Trial – I prize, Blood Trial
Gia-Rosmery z Lesních chalup 0/0 28423 20.08.1998 Excellent 23x, CACIB 6x, BOB 5x, BIG, BIS, Club Winner 2x, Specialty Winner, CH CZ, ICH Talent Trial – I prize
Cliff Rosmery 1/2 29860 27.06.2000 Junior Champion CZ, Excellent 9x, CACIB 2x, CAC 6x, CAJC 2x, BOB 2x, BIG, Best Young Dog of Club Show 2001  
Fanta Ghiro Rosmery 0/1 30190 30.01.2001

CH CZ, Junior Champion CZ, Excellent 7x, CAC 3x, r.CAC, CAJC 2x, CACIB, Best Young Bitch of Specialty Show 2002

Talent Trial – I prize
Inna  Rosmery 2/2 30525 03.07.2001 Junior Champion CZ, Excellent 8x, CAC 6x, CAJC 2x, CACIB 2x  
Simon Rosmery 2/2 31316 10.02.2003 CH CZ, Junior Champion CZ, 12x Excellent, Regional Winner, 2x CAJC, 5x CAC, 3x r.CAC, CACIB, National Winner Club Talent Trial - II prize
Zekon Rosmery 2/2 31821 12.11.2003 CH CZ, Junior Champion CZ, 11x Excellent, 3x CAJC, Junior BIS2, 8x CAC, National Winner Club Talent Trial - II prize, Fall Trial II. prize
Eddi Rosmery   32337 25.12.2004 Junior šampion ČR, 3x CAJC, 4x CAC, Very good  
Greis Rosmery Sant Tulip   32843 11.01.2006 2x Excellent, 2x CAJC, Best Young Cocker   
Conny New Rosmery    33396 24.02.2007 Excellent 2, 2x Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB, Regional Winner  
Brandy Rosmery   33805 05.10.2007 Excellent 4, Excellent 1, CAJC  

The above-referenced overview does not contain tens of the names of the dogs shown at trials or shows that come from our kennel, but live with new owners. Nor does it contain the names of other persons' dogs of various breeds that we showed at trials and shows for our friends or acquaintances. 

  Best wishes from the Kennel  
Rosmery of Miloš Kašpar and family