Breeding English Cockerspaniels 1972 - 2008

  Breeding Dachshund Zwerg Rauhhaar 1992 -2008 
    Breeding Flat Coated Retrievers 2003 - 2008   

That is another fatal, but I must say happy, breed of our family.
The era of our bearded roughies started in 1992 with the arrival of the so far unsurpassed and in all respects top little bitch CH Gemma Piccolino (Hasso von Aschenbach x Kalokagathia Claire) that was called by us intimately Betinka (Betty). My wife received Betty as a gift and a great harmony of souls arose between them! Betty had also "healing" powers and so sometimes she changed her armchair for grandmother's bed where she cured her of alleged rheumatism. So be it, I grew resigned in time. Fortunately Betty had excellent hunting qualities (I prize at Talent Trial) and top exterior – CACIB 2x, Club Winner 2x, Champion of CZ, Central European Winner, National Winner. Her absolutely thoughtful hunting work in the forest, excellent completion of cocker's tracking, behavior in the flat, living together with the family reminded me of the words of my father that "to each gamekeeper's lodge there belongs a dachshund". After long deliberations, her first "husband" became an absolutely top dog Dar Erbenova vyhlídka called Darouš. It was a wonderful connection, their son Joky Rosmery is ICH, the little bitch Juli Rosmery lives at home and when she does not go hunting she likes to be cradled in grandmother's arms. She gained the titles r. CACIB, CAC, National Winner, I prize at Talent Trial. Another Betty's husband was a Polish nobleman Funt Galp – Zanzara, whose character is wonderful and, therefore, their little daughter, rough Linda Rosmery, had to stay at home. It was a good choice. Later she became Winner of Specialty, Best of Breed, CAC, CAJC. She was indefatigable in the forest, of excellent hunting qualities (Talent Trial, Blood Trial), she drove out foxes from their natural dens. In 1997 we imported a puppy Niki z Ksiazecyho Dwóra from Poland. He grew up to be a devoted, easy to train dog with the fierceness of a terrier, for all vermin and wild boars. He has a natural quality of a dog protecting his closest family and its property. He gained the titles CAJC, Youth Class Winner, passed Talent Trial +Blood Trial. He had beautiful litter with Betty and my wife and grandmother chose little Rommy Rosmery for our pack. Rommy is a practical hunter for whipping- in and in the den, reliable for additional tracking. At shows she gained the titles Winner of Specialty, Best of Breed, National Winner, she is Junior Champion CZ. In 2002 we mated her with the terrier Ramon Kinetik and at the birth of their puppies my wife chose a little black and tan bitch Nika Rosmery who passed the Talent Trial and gained the titles CAJC and BOB at show. She is tiny, of the size between a dwarf and a rabbit, sweet little dragon.
We mated the already mentioned Linda with a Polish dog Niki and the outstanding little bitch Ema Rosmery remained in Moravian Walachia. She resembles her grandmother – Betty in all respects. She is very noble and even cures rheumatism. Her hunting instincts and absolute manageability make her a prefect hunting dog, which she proved at trials where she did not lose a single point. She is also beautiful, which she proved by gaining the title CACIB at the International Dog Show in Brno and the titles CAC and CAJC. Surely she has not said her last word. And I was right. The decision to register Ema for a Specialty at the age of four, after two litters of puppies, was not a utopia, but right assessment of her improving exterior condition, which led to gaining titles. She became Winner of Specialty and BOB!
We did not resist the option to mate Ema with the top rabbit rough-coated dachshund called Xirius Kolagathia. We like one dark bitch very much. Do you think she will stay at home? And she stayed. Her name is Uši and she is a great hope of our breed of dachshunds. At her first show –specialty- she gained the evaluation Very Hopeful and the title Best Youth of Show, independently of size and feathering! She is very lively and cheeky, but absolutely manageable and devoted.
After several failures at gaining a quality unrelated dog continuing with the bloodline our kennel scored a point by gaining the dog Yahoo Arvin dvor from Slovakia. His origin is wonderful – his sire is the French Okay du Sasisa, his mother Sexy Sharon Kalokagathia, the daughter of an attractive Finnish bloodline carried by the famous mating dog Idol Lamark Yahoo, called intimately Tom. So far he has gained the titles Junior Champion, CACIB, BOB 3x, CAC, CAJC, at the Talent Trial he proved his qualities by the first prize. He begins excellent den-hunting, is being trained for blood and wild boars. He is of calm, balanced character, but in the forest he is an indefatigable passionate hunter, who has probably a watch and always comes back within the time limit. If he does not encounter poultry or vermin that he destroys without mercy. We believe that Tom will influence our breeding successfully, very soon, since he has fulfilled all conditions for breeding, she serves excellently. She became Junior Champion CZ and Champion CZ. She passed successfully the earch hunt trial.
I must say that our little dachshunds live in full harmony with our cockers and thanks to similar temper and intelligence with a little of stubbornness they have created an original pack of dogs that complement each other at home and at hunting. We simply enjoy their company.


Name Breeding Book Date of birth Shows Trials
Gemma Piccolino 44724 18.09.1992 Excellent 15x, Champion, Club Winner 2x, CACIB, Central European Winner, National Winner... Talent Trial - I prize, Blood Trial
Juli Rosmery 48439 25.10.1994 Excellent, r. CACIB, National Winner, CAC 3x... Talent Trial – I prize, Blood Trial
Niki Ksiazecy Dwór 53804 15.08.1997 Excellent – Youth Class Winner, CAJC Talent Trial – I prize, Blood Trial
Linda Rosmery 55081 03.07.1998 Excellent – CAC, CAJC, Winner of Specialty, BOB Talent Trial - I prize, Blood Trial
Rommy Rosmery 55849 25.02.1999 Excellent – Junior Champion, Winner of Specialty, CAC 5x, CAJC 3x, BOB Talent Trial – I prize, Blood Trial
Ema Rosmery 59088 05.07.2000 Excellent – r. CACIB, CAC, CAJC, BOB, Winner of Specialty Talent Trial - I prize
Yahoo Arvin dvor 67947 07.10.2001 Excellent 9x, CAJC 4x, CAC 5x, CACIB 2x, BOB 5x, National Winner 2x, Junior CH, CH CZ. Talent Trial - I prize, terrier
Nika Rosmery 62820 05.05.2002 Excellent – CAJC, BOB Talent Trial - I prize
Uši Rosmery 65035 29.05.2003 Very hopeful, Best Puppy class of Specialty, 2x Excellent, CAJC Talent Trial - II prize
Sanny Rosmery 73559 15.02.2007 2x Very good, Excellent 1, CAC  

The above-referenced overview does not contain tens of the names of the dogs shown at trials or shows that come from our kennel, but live with new owners. Nor does it contain the names of other persons' dogs of various breeds that we showed at trials and shows for our friends or acquaintances.

                                                                        Best wishes from the Kennel

                                                                        Rosmery of Miloš Kašpar and family